 sector and economic studies

Bert has been involved in various economic studies, mainly related to private sector development and industrial policy, SME development and structural adjustment.

Private Sector Development and Industrial Policy

In Malaysia, Bert was as UNDP / UNIDO programme officer involved in various private sector development studies. He was particularly involved in the follow-up of the Industrial Master Plan, updating input-output models, industrial incentive systems, development of semi-conductor industry, a study for development of the rubber sector, and several projects for establishing industrial parks and technology centres, as well as direct support services. He also wrote the private sector development paragraph for the new five year programme of UNDP (Nov 1989 to Nov 1991).

In Guinea-Bissau, Bert was - working in the Ministry of Industry - called upon to offer advice at policy level to the Minister on privatisation, industrial policy and investment incentives. He also contributed to the preparation of United Nations private sector development programme (Jan 1992 to Jan 1995).

In Moldova, Bert took part in a Grains Policy Study for the FAO, developing policy instruments to stimulate lending to the farm sector (Nov / Dec 1997).

In the Netherlands, when working at the ABN-Amro Bank, Bert conducted economic research to prepare the bank's and clients' investment decisions (1987 to 1989).

In Kazakhstan, Bert advised the Ministry of Agriculture on setting up financing instruments for the agricultural sector, in particular credit guarantees and leasing. This aimed to be an alternative to the (unsustainable) directed lending used before (Nov 1999).

In the Netherlands, he conducted an evaluation for the Ministry of Economic Affairs of the 'Programme Economic Cooperation Projects' - a programme aiming to position Dutch exporters of capital goods and related services on Emerging Markets (Jun - Nov 2004).

Bert also conducted a comparative study of Innovations in Agricultural Finance in Cambodia, Mali, Senegal, Tanzania, Thailand and Tunisia (Mar - Aug 2011, published in 2012)

SME Development

In the Netherlands, Bert undertook several desk studies, such as deskstudy 'Best Practices in Europe in SME development' and deskstudy on 'Lessons Learned' by Dutch organisations in SME development (1995/96).

Through SME evaluation projects in Tunisia and Ghana, Bert contributed to SME policy development (1995/96).

In Malaysia, through his work for UNIDO, Bert contributed to several SME development policies. Among others, he wrote the basis for the new UNDP five-year development assistance programme, including the private sector development paragraph (Nov 1989 to Nov 1991).

In Guinea-Bissau, Bert - working in the Ministry of Industry - was called upon to offer advice at policy level to the Minister on several issues of SME development, among others the development of SME financing instruments (Jan 1992 to Jan 1995).

Bert published several papers on SME development, such as 'Financial and non-Financial services for SMEs' and 'Success Factors for SME lending' (both presented at a private sector development seminar in Serbia, 1999) and 'Post-Privatisation Restructuring' (presented during a conference in Mongolia in 2001, and subsequently published in 2002).

Structural Adjustment

In Guinea-Bissau, Bert executed a research 'Study Structural Adjustment Programme for Guinea-Bissau' which resulted in a publication of the same name (1994 and 1996).

In Zambia, Bert studied the Zambian economy during its IMF-led structural adjustment programme (1986), which led to a publication 'Zambia and the IMF' (1986/87).

See list of publications and research

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